What I am doing now

(This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one too)

  • Living in the Morvan, France, in an old farmhouse
  • Working freelance as a full-stack web-developer at Stef.co
  • Training for my 2nd ultra trail race (± 56km) in July 2020
  • Climbing at the military high school in Autun with ASPeN
  • Fixing up our campervan and preparing a new spot near our yurt so we can rent it out on AirBnB
  • Working on my personal website stefthoen.com where I plan to do some blogging

Updated January 3th, 2020 from Cussy-en-Morvan, France

Written by Stef Thoen who lives and works in Morvan, France. You should follow him on Twitter. © 2020